Torah Focus 23 Adar

Torah Focus
כ״ג אַדָר

March 16, 2023
16th of Adar 03/16/2023
Class Notes:

1. Nefesh — Animal Soul
2. Ruach — Mind will and emotions
3. Neshamah — The Supra – Soul and all of its functions in general
4. Chayah — Life force, seat of the Divine spark
5. Yechidah — Unity
a. Unity with HaShem
b. Unity of the soul

1) Why don’t we remember the conversation, commands or words spoken to us when our spiritual being was created?
2) Why don’t we remember the encounters we have as taught by our Malak – Angel
3) Why don’t we remember what we learned in the night seasons?

Each question relates to our interaction with G-d’s Divine Presence
Each deals with a specific part of our life’s story and mission
Each deals with a specific area of our spiritual awareness

Where do we find the answers?
Torah Study?
Bible Study
From the Jewish forefathers?

Heb 4:12 For the Torah of God is alive and active, sharper than the two-edged circumcision knife, piercing to the division of Nefesh and the Ruach, as if they were of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. LitETREBA

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the

[of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

Two-edged Circumcision knife: Matityahu (Matthew) 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword (Circumcision knife). μαχαιραν máchairan;

piercing to the division of soul and of spirit: Here we see that the Neshamah (general description for the soul) can be divided into aspects that are normal activities of the body and spiritual activities of spiritual elevation. The aspects of the body are the “Nefesh” which relates to the animal soul that only takes care of the body. In essence its job is to see to it that physical needs are satisfied. There is nothing wrong with having these physical needs met. However, when a Gentile goes through the conversion process he must learn not to allow the cravings to control his life. Therefore, when these needs are abused and unrestrained the Nefesh must restrain the activities with the help of the Ruach, which is a function of the Neshamah.

Heb 5:14 But strong meat (Solid food) belongs to those who have reached maturity, even those who through practical experience have trained their senses to differentiate good from evil. LitETREBA

AMP 14 But solid food is for full-grown men, for those whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between what is morally good and noble and what is evil and contrary either to divine or human law.

Key Points:

Learning to think about spiritual data
Learning to differentiate the differing spiritual materials that we think about

These sources all have answers to our questions.
But we must have the reception centers open per se.
We must know how to download the information.
The question is not can we access the information.
It is knowing that the information is the answer to the question.

Learning to listen:
We need to slow the mind enough to analyze the data per se.
We do receive the information and lessons, but we need to discern the data
We need to realize that we have been receiving the data all along, we just haven’t recognized that we have the data.
When we enter into situations where the information is being transmitted, we need to realize we are in the environment to receive that type of data.


1. The materials we learned last night in the Celestial Academy most likely relates to mor immediate revelations we receive daily.
• We can retain and record much of this information in a daily study period.
• If we do not study daily we may not grasp or receive as immediate as we would.

2. Remembering what the angel taught us
• These ideas seem work themselves out often in Déjà vu and or moments of revelation and enlightenment. However, they can also be a part of a study, lecture or meditation.

3. The question of what G-d said ro us in the heavenlies before the foundation of the world.

• Because of the depth of prophecy that we received during that secession it seems most likely that G-d reveals it muck like the message of the Messenger while we were in our mothers womb. It comes in Déjà vu, lectures personal studies and croup studies and classes.

• We noted that the Lesson of G-d in the Heavenlies was most likely refined to our specific role in the cosmos by the Malak.

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