Chag Semach Pesach

Chag Semach Pesach

Happy Passover and a week of Unleavened bread.

Tonight we embark on a spiritual journey into freedom. This journey is one of spiritual transformation and the embrace of our Eternal Father. Beginning on the second night of the Seder, we begin 49 days of spiritual ascension. Over the years, I have followed brief readings of some of the Rabbis and have been spiritually elated during this time.

As most of you know, I’ve written three books. However, one of them is designed to fully elaborate on the Counting of the Omer like no other work that I’ve found. “Forth-Nine Gates of G-d’s Virtuous Power” is designed specifically for this purpose. If you have a copy tomorrow night (April 23rd), you can count with me as we go through this spiritual journey.

During the next 49 days, I will be making brief comments from my book on this incredible spiritual journey. Come with me for these 49 days as we make this incredible journey.

If you do not own a copy, you can find the Kindle version for $9.99 on Amazon.
Join me in this spiritual journey.

Available on Amazon

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Creation’s Meticulous Order

In the infinite expanse of G d’s mind, every possibility of creation is meticulously pondered and ordered, condensed into a single elemental force.





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The Divine Spark

The Theme of Veils and Knowing G-d

Identifying the Sparks of the Righteous Souls.

This lecture unfolds the difference between G-d’s concealment and the Veils of the Sitra Schra. Why does the Sitra Achra hide the sparks of G-d?

Within each righteous Soul is an amber ember, slightly glowing. The mission of the living righteous souls is to find these sparks (Souls), redeem them, and then release them into the Olam Ha Zeh, this present world.

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Divine Power

Divine Power

Experience the divine power of healing in the biblical tale of the woman who touched Yeshua’s garment. The transference of “virtue” mirrors G-d’s power, bridging the spiritual and human realms.
It’s a testament to faith, healing, and divine presence.
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Three Realities

Sunday Shiur Knowing G-d #13
Three Realities
1. The G-d Reality
2. The Reality of the Neshamah
3. The Sitra Achra (The Other Side – i.e., the Side of Negativity)
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Knowing G-d, My Reality

אלוהים ידיעת
Knowing G-d

The Veil of Physicality – The Reality of Spirituality

The seeming delusion of physicality over spirituality is a one that conquers sould every day. Most people believe that they live in a realm of physicality and that is their primary “Reality.”They exist in the realm of touch, taste smell hear and feel. What they cannot touch is NOT real in their mind. They only believe that the tangible world is reality. Everything else is a Non-Reality.

Therefore, anything that is considered not tangible is not “real.” This is the age-old lie of the Sitra Achra. All it takes is reading the Bible for the first five pages and you know something is wrong.

If G-d created an Edenic world and man ruined it we need to know why. There is an answer to why G-d created Adam with such extraordinary powers and still he ruins everything. This is not a genetic failure. The text clearly has a reason for showing us that there was an outside influence. In light of these truths we must learn the truth about REALITY! But we first must ask a question.

What Is Reality?

What is really real?

Firstly, if we believe in G-d—and I DO—and if we believe that the Bible is His Word—and I DO—we must base all understanding of reality on the “Reality of G-d.”

Deut 4:39 The LORD, He is God in heavens above and on the earth below; there is no other reality! REBA

Therefore, G-d MUST be the highest reality!!! G-d is the ONLY reality, and all reality depends on Him; therefore, knowing Him is the greatest quest we can undertake. And it doesn’t matter how long it takes to get to Him; it’s worth every step.

From those words

The only logic that persists is that G-d is REAL, and there is no other REALITY!

However, we need to know what G-d thinks about reality before we know what reality really is.

Of all the truths that the Bible convey’s one stands out as the greatest truth. That truth is G-d’s love affair with Humanity, more literally His Righteous Neshamah souls.

We need to comprehend the second statement that G-d has created a force called Spirituality to draw all of His children (Neshamah Tsadiqim) to Himself. I talked about this a couple of weeks ago.

However, G-d has created a second REALITY!!!, other than Himself. That reality is more precious to G-d than anything else that He has created.

What is that second REALITY?

The Neshamah! The Human Soul!

We need to know that G-d is not “spiritual,” albeit G-d is described as a Spirit. This aspect of man supersedes the human condition. However, its place in the Primordial Spiritual world is pre-eminent. The Neshamah is an Emanation of G-d. The lowest aspect exists connected to the physical body. However, the highest aspect remains constantly connected to G-d.

Communication with G-d. At present, the soul is in the lowest state of its condition. These conditions will end in the future in one of several ways.

If we were to die today, we would enter a place called Abraham’s bosom. This place is a place where all the righteous souls gather before and after their earthly missions.

What Does G-d Want?

Four things G-d wants are


Emunah is a manifestation of the supernatural. This is not going around showing off miracles. This is the most incredible quest. It means showing the world that there is a G-d. He is the most critical thing in the whole world.

Faithfulness requires

  1. Knowing G-d – you must know G-d yourself before He can be expressed toward others.
  2. Your relationship must be sharable. You must be able to share your convictions


In Hebrew, trust is Bitachon. Trust is knowing with absolute confidence that G-d exists regardless of any circumstance. Bitachon is also being connected with G-d. Or, better said, it is better said to “cling to G-d.” This is also a word called D’evkut.

Thus, Bitachon and fidelity relate to actively being involved with things that produce spiritual conduct.

Being spiritual means you are moving toward G-d.

The Sustained Presence of G-d.

It also means that you want others to experience the love, trust that you have. This does not mean that you have to be a Rabbi or even a teacher. It means that your relationship with G-d has to be real and sharable.


Fear has two stages. This relates to our awareness that we are ALWAYS under G‑d’s supervision. Therefore, G-d is perfectly aware of our activities positive and negative.

  1. We have a healthy sense of fearing punishment for wrongdoing. This is the development of conscience. Knowing what is wrong. This stems from having a healthy relationship with G-d’s word.
  2. Yeariah also, and more importantly, means to have reverential awe of G-d.


Love! The whole reason for existence is love. G-d’s loves the souls of the righteous. It is His eternal desire to bring about their goodness and peace.

However, we can not experience these things when we do not act in accordance with His will.

The fourth practice encompasses cultivating profound affection towards the Divine and fellow beings. This process entails recognizing and immersing ourselves in the sublime qualities inherent in G-d and the individuals who grace our lives. As happiness burgeons from a sense of interconnectedness, fostering love becomes pivotal for our well-being. Failure to consciously satiate our emotional yearnings with love-derived joy may inadvertently lead us to seek fulfillment in extraneous substitutes.

Sunday_Shiur _2Adar15-84

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Virtuous Emanations of the Human Spirit

This Book explores the depths of the eternal Soul (NEshamah). It also contains the Secret of G-d  and allows one to peer into the Olam HaBa.

May be an image of text that says 'Earthly purpose and ultimate joy VIRTUOUS EMANATIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT RABBI DR. Rabbi Dr. Walter Oakley Available at amazon'

In “Virtuous Emanations of the Human Spirit,” Rabbi Dr. Walter Oakley shares his deep teachings on the Human Spirit/Neshamah. 📖 Explore the Neshamah’s complicated anatomy and extensive mission, from its genesis as a spark of the Divine Eternal G-d’s Essence to its earthly goal and ultimate happiness. Discover its unique relationship with the Eternal G-d and why it is perfectly suited for its purpose.

Get ready across planets and epochs of spiritual time as we explore the Human Neshamah! 💫

Go to the Amazon link to order the book.

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