Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble


The “four worlds serve in varied purposes. The primary reason for the differing wolds, realms is to conceal the Divine Presence. Therefore, the highest realms seem more concealing than the “lower” realms. This is primarily because in the upper worlds there is a greater concentration (so to speak) of Divine Essence and Power. Thus the closer you get to the Divine Presence the greater the concealment. As we have stated before the closer we get to the Divine Presence the greater the “darkness.” This Darkness is called the “Holy Dark.” Thus, G-d’s presence is hidden from us by degrees. When we have finished the process of Tikkun the Divine Presence will return to its proper location. The Y’mot HaMashiach will be a greater increased presence of the Divine. During the Olam HaBa we will be basking in the Divine Presence in a near unlimited exposure.

Secondly, the Divine Presence is “hidden” due to the degree of Holiness on the Earth. The greater the negativity the farther from presence we become. The greater the sin the farther away the Divine Presence. The greater the Holiness the closer the Divine Presence.

Psalm 102:1–2
1   Hear my prayer, O LORD,
And let my cry come to You.
2   Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble;
Incline Your ear to me;
In the day that I call, answer me speedily.


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