Sacred Places Sacred Time

Places of worship?
There seems to be special places where the celestial meets with the Material.

* Ya’aqob’s Ladder
* Temple mount
* Jerusalem
What of Eden?

While there are places where the atmosphere between the spiritual and physical seems to be thin G-d is not confined to any specific location. In Shemot – Exo 3:14 G-d refers to Himself as Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh usually translated as “I am that I am” however contextually we could rephrase the translation to say I am where I am, being a reference to G-d’s “Makom” everywhere present.

This therefore relates to the sanctity or sanctuary of time, as “moments of His presence.” When we look deeper we also see that B’ne Yisreal are the people of G-d. Why then does He spend so much time thinking of them? They in essence are the “people of His Presence.” However, the people of G-d are in every place. That place is were the Shechinah dwell, i.e., every place or everywhere. This can also mean that the Divine Presence is everywhere because the People of the Presence means that the House the Presence of G-d.


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