Torah Kedumah

The primordial Torah is known as Torah Kedumah. This primordial Torah was one of the seven things created before the creation of the world. The image of the Torah being written in black fire on white, found in the Talmud and recurring in the Zohar, serves as an archetype for the primordial Torah. The notion of God looking into the Torah to create the world is found in Genesis Rabbah 1:1: “Thus God consulted the Torah and created the world.” Here God is portrayed as an architect and the Torah a blueprint in the creation of the world. See “Seven Things Created before the Creation of the World,” The way the letters of the alphabet emerge and combine has an uncanny resemblance to the combining and recombining of strings of DNA.

Schwartz, Howard. Tree of Souls: The Mythology of Judaism. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. p.265

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