Virtuous Emanations of the Human Spirit

This book begins with some elementary fundamentals that relate to “Kabbalist structure of the Sefirot.” Those who have been schooled in these elements may find them redundant and wish to fast forward to deeper discussions. However, there is pertinent information in these chapters. Therefore, a light reading should be done. However, the beginning of chapters 3- 4 is where I begin to look at the Neshamah in a more in-depth way. Unique to this book is the more in-depth approach I take to the deeper levels of the Neshamah seldom discussed I.e., the Chayah and Yechidah.
In the subsequent chapters, I address new interpretations of spiritual thought like “walking in the spirit,” etc., giving a deeper definition of spirituality and the spiritual world.
Also unique to this book are the final chapters in which I delve into a view of the beginnings of the Journey of the Neshamah Tsadiqim (the Journey of the Righteous Souls). I conclude with a look at the “Seven Epochs of Spiritual Time” and Neshamah’s journey through those Epochs.
This research has led to the research for a fourth book called, The Journey of the Neshamah through the Seven Epochs of Spiritual Time.” This book will be a journey into the “Undiscovered Country” for which there is no language. Therefore, the book will be written in the secret code of So’odic Hermeneutics.
Now available on Amazon.

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