Israel and War

Israel and War

Where do we go from here?

Prevalent in many minds are questions as to “what G-d is saying?” Secondly, where do we go from here?  Are we at the end of existence? Will WWIII take place soon?

One thing we must always know is that G-d is in control. Therefore, the events of history, wars famines, etc., are the result of our disobedience to His voice and wishes. We cannot refuse the standards of G-d. Our disobedience is not necessarily punished by the rod of discipline. Firstly, G-d gives freedom of choice to do as we please. Secondly, if we act contrary to his will we always will act in union with evil or the Sitra Achra. When we refuse G-d commands we will open the door to the enemy’s destructive force. In this case, the enemy is energized by our negativity. Therefore, rather than strengthening the positive side we fuel the Sitra Achra. When this type of calamity happens the desire of the Sitra Achra releases its fury on us because we still have a measure of “righteousness.” Thus, in Israel now we see this type of activity. The enemy is energized because we have forfeited our love for G-d. We have traded it for materialistic physicality. You must first know that being a convert, I am not criticizing my brothers but myself. Could Israel’s calamity at present be my fault?

Have we waited too long to do teshubah?

If you were to ask me what I think the problem is I would begin by saying that the current situation is a lack of fidelity to G-d. Therefore, G-d allows us to see the eventual degradation of evil in seeing the ruthless depravity of the Hamas. Would we allow ourselves to sink to this level of degeneracy?

1 Tsefet – Pet 4:19 The time has come for judgment to begin in the house of God. If judgment begins with us, what will the result be for those who disobey the Mesorah of the Torah?

Thus, it would seem evident that G-d is calling for a greater commitment to the Jewish Standard of life. G-d is calling to his people to stand up and eschew evil. This is the occupation of the Sons of G-d. The destruction of evil begins in the realm of spirituality. However, the Biblical figure of Yehoshua – Joshua shows that there will also be a physical confrontation with the enemy. It is inevitable. David’s battle with Goliath is a testimony to the inner strength of Yisrael. Yet if we do not tap that power, if we do not exercise that ability, we will experience the holocaust in a far greater manner. The testimony of these two men is a witness to how some evil must be confronted. While the Jewish people stand at the forefront of the battle against the Sirta Achra humanity by and large must wake from its slumber. If their righteous standards are not being upheld, they too will be subjected to the depravity of men like the Hamas. World War II brought the world to its knees. The recoil was a step towards righteousness. Given the armaments of the present era, we stand to see greater destruction than we ever have. Would the Hamas use nuclear weapons on Yisrael while there are Arabs living there? The answer is an absolute YES! This is because they would sacrifice anything for the destruction of the infidel. Mind you that is NOT the only people that they think of as Infidels. When the depravity has finished with one people they will most certainly move to the next gathering of Infidels, America! Yet no other nation is safe from this mentality. Interestingly the Jewish people have faced pogroms in Russia, Spain, Portugal, and many other regions. Places on the earth tried forced conversion. Recently there has been a regathering of these sacred Jewish Souls. Why is G-d re-gathering these, Souls?

The answer in short is the acceleration of G-d’s redemptive plan. This plan will bring those who pursue righteousness to the next plane of existence. This means that we are closer to the finalization of G-d’s redemptive plan. While there are those who will embrace it there will be those who will experience great fear. While I do not have any fear, I do have an overwhelming sorrow for the calamities that the world will experience in this time frame. And not having devoted lengthy study to these times I can still see the great work to be accomplished.

In Summary

Where do we go from here?

While there can be a lot of fingers pointing the message always begins at home. We need not focus on the shortcomings of others. The answer is simple enough. We must all begin by confronting the evil within. Every confrontation with evil is a diminishing of the negative energies equipping the Sitra Achra from operating. We can and most frequently confront the Sitra Achra in our circle of influence. Given the great manifestation of evil in our contemporary society we can be most effective within that circle.

We may not be called to the front line in battle with Hamas and other terrorist parties. However, when we look at Yisrael one thing stands out. They are called to the front lines because they possess special spiritual armaments per se. Thus, we should do our best to find ways to support Yisrael. Again, this can open the door to many possibilities. Prayer, financial support, and many other possibilities are things we should be doing at the bare minimum.

The intended goal is to repair the world and return it to G-d in the pristine condition we received it. In the eyes of some scholars, Rabbis, and teachers we need the help of Messiah. Exactly how these events will unfold remains a conjecture. Many teachers give us answers however, these answers can be hard to discern. Nevertheless, there is one positive answer we can give. Live every day to its fullest, seek the Kingdom (Governance of G-d through His appointed intermediaries, Rabbis, and Bate Din), and live as if each day were our last trying to accomplish all that you can in the process of destroying negativity.

Psalms 122: 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:

“May they prosper who love you.

      7 May peace be within your walls,

And prosperity within your palaces.”

      8 For the sake of my brothers and my friends,

I will now say, “May peace be within you.”

      9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,

I will seek your good.

Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Abraham



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