My Shadow is alive

Why has G-d given us a Shadow?

אַךְ-בְּצֶלֶם, יִתְהַלֶּךְ-אִישׁ
Man walks as (His) image

  • What is the significance of the Shadow?

B’resheet 1:26 G-d created man in His own image (צלם) teslem Shadow. The “Shadow of G-d means that G-d created Adam with a fragment of His Divine being, or a Divine spark. Thus, the body is a Mishkan (Tabernacle) for the Nefesh, Neshamah (Soul). The essence of this Divine fragment emanates from the Divine Crown (Keter – כֶּתֶר). This fragment, Divine spark contains the (רצון) Divine desire/will of G-d.

Thus, the Divine Spark I was created from is a desire to be with G-d, the Holy One I love. The closer one gets to G-d the stronger the pull of the Divine Presence, His Shadow (צלם) teslem. Because the higher dimensions of the soul (Neshamah) are created from the Crown of endless light (כֶּתֶר) this desire inside never dies, it only grows and gets stronger. Therefore, the soul constantly bears a greater desire to be with Him, the one I love.
Cited above Tehillim (Psalms) 39:7a

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