Mashiach and Da’at

Mashiach is empowered by…

1. Hokhmah (wisdom)

2. Bina (understanding

3. Da’at (knowledge)

a. also associated with the fear of G-d as it is with Hokhmah. (Mishlei — Proverbs 2:5)

b. also related to the faithfulness to G-d (Hosea 4:1, 6:6)

c. Da’at of G-d is related to the endowment of the ruach (Yeshayahu — Isaiah 11:9)

4. The Ruach

a. The Breathings of the forefathers

b. The breathings of G-d, which includes the “written Torah,” and the Orally breathed Torah which is the foundation and animation of the cosmos – the fabric of all existence.

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