Romans 1:18-23

Hakham Shaul’s School of Remes

Romans 1:18-23
For the revelation of God’s wrath coming from the heavens is against all the wicked and unjust men who intentionally suppress the truth. This is because even intimate knowledge of God is evident to them, because God revealed Himself[1] among them. For from the creation of the world, His invisible attributes,[2] both His everlasting virtuous power and Divine majesty,[3] are discerned[4] clearly,[5] being understood in the things made, so that they are without excuse.

Because[6] although they knew[7] God, they did not[8] honor[9] him as God[10] or give Him thanks, but they became vain[11] (futile) in their reasoning,[12] and their unteachable[13] minds (hearts)[14] were darkened. Professing wisdom,[15] they acted foolishly,[16] and exchanged the glory of the immortal God with the images (idols) of corrupted human[17] beings,[18] birds, quadrupeds and reptiles. Literal Equivalent translation by H. Em. Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu ben Abraham

For the Commentary to this pericope of Romans follow the Link

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