Decent before Light
Decent into the Darkness before seeing the light is often a theme in several different Torah scenes. Often we must go through the Valley of constriction to receive light. Thus, the process of Tzimtzum (constriction) is the preparation for receiving the Light of G-d.
The lesson I’ve learned is that confronting my own darkness is essential to achieving my true potential. What a horrifying journey I’ve faced in these past months, having to look at my own soul. But this is the process one must always face before one can receive the light. The B’ne Yisrael (Children of Yisrael) first descended into Mitzrayim (Egypt) before they received that light of the Torah at Mount Sinai.
We first believe that we are standing in a field of light. But the light we see is not the light of reality; it is the light of disguise. Using the shadows of darkness blended with the light of reality, we will accept it as truth. But we must walk through the valley of deceit, we must walk through the valley of pain before we can walk into reality.