Decent before Light Decent into the Darkness before seeing the light is often a theme in several different Torah scenes. Often we must go through the Valley of constriction to…
And Hebrew teaches us that the essence of a face is the opposite of what we think of ordinarily.” We often discuss how the meanings of words like soul and…
Death and Yeridah L’tzorech Aliyah - Descent for the sake of Ascent Adam and Yeridah l’tzorech aliyah, and Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and…
Beloved of my soul, compassionate Father Draw your servant to Your will, May Your servant run like a deer, Bow before your glory, For Your friendship is sweeter to him…
The mourning and fasting of Tisha B'Ab (Ninth of Ab) are seen as a way to cleanse and afflict the soul (Neshamah) and empty oneself of the pain and sorrow…
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By RebAה׳ באב ה׳תשפ״ד (August 9, 2024)Posted inNeshamah
The keys to Teshuvah: Teshuvah is all about becoming the person that you were intended to be from the very beginning. During the course of life, we often fail this…
The journey is unique to each soul, yet the destination remains the same: a return to that state of Oneness, a reconnection with the source from which we sprang. It's…