Walking or Wandering – B’midbar: The Infinite Journey of Divine Connection Clothed in Holy Armor SYR – 05255785-5 Class audio [download] The Chief end of man is to Glorify G-d…
"Divine Mechanics: Unveiling the Spiritual Blueprint of G-d's Presence" Summary Outline: "Divine Mechanics: Unveiling the Spiritual Blueprint of G-d's Presence" Introduction: Spiritual vs. Physical Realms Explanation of the two primary…
In Kabbalistic thought, Adam Kadmon is not only the first emanation but also the highest and most primordial spiritual realm. It is the archetypal construct of Divine Ratson, (Divine Will)…
Yod and The Olam HaBa Introduction In this discussion explores an intriguing concept that will likely evolve over several parts. This week, I wish to delve into a fascinating subject…
Adonai, in His Infinite Delight (Ta'anug), crafted the Olam HaBa—the upper heavens—from the Yod, the first letter of His Eternal Name. From this highest realm, He emanated His sons of…
Sunday Shiur 1/19/2025 Sunday morning, we began a bit of a coming series. The series deals with the great delights of G-d. What are the things G-d treasures the most?…
The Liminal Interface: Exploring the Connection Between the Nefesh and the Body In the intricate framework of Jewish thought, the Neshamah (soul) is understood as a multi-dimensional entity, composed of…
The Ruach and Shefa in Scripture and Practice Lesson Plan: Objective: Shefa, a Hebrew term often translated as "bounty," "flow," or "abundance," originates from the word hashpa’a, meaning "to give."…
The Liminal Nature of Da’at in Relation to Keter, Hokhmah, and Binah In Kabbalistic thought, Da’at holds a liminal position, bridging various dimensions of spiritual and intellectual realms. While Da’at…
Mystical B’resheet 1:1-5 Amplified Mystical Translation by Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu ben Abraham 1“In the beginning, G-d created the heavens (the mystical spiritual realms, spanning from the concealed states of Hester…