Miraculous Touch

The power of G-d in your hands Available on Amazon Experience the divine power of healing in the biblical tale of the woman who touched Yeshua's garment. The transference of…

The Fetus

The Sages say that the Fetus in its mother's womb is taught the Torah for nine months in the highest state of spirituality that a person can experience. The Fetus…

Virtuous Emanations of the Human Spirit

In "Virtuous Emanations of the Human Spirit," Rabbi Dr. Walter Oakley shares his deep teachings on the Human Spirit/Neshamah. Explore the Neshamah's complicated anatomy and extensive mission, from its genesis…

Imagine Eden

John 1:18 No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him. My next book will be…

Torah Focus Rebuild

Torah Focus, along with another website, was recently hacked. Therefore, a great deal of data was lost during the hack. There are ways to retrieve the old data, but those…

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