Mystical B’resheet 1:1-5
Amplified Mystical Translation
by Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu ben Abraham
1“In the beginning, G-d created the heavens (the mystical spiritual realms, spanning from the concealed states of Hester Panim through Adam Kadmon—the archetypal Divine blueprint for creation—and the higher dimensions of Atziluth, Beri’ah, and Yetzirah) and the earth (the physical realm of Assiyah, the world of materiality).”
2 “Now the earth (the physical creation rooted in Assiyah) was chaotic and void (tohu va’vohu, an unformed state reflecting the aftermath of the Shevirat HaKelim, the Shattering of the Vessels), and darkness (choshech, the concealment of the Ohr HaGanuz, the Hidden Light) was upon the face of the deep (tehom, the primordial abyss of fragmented, unrefined energy originating from the shattered vessels); and the Spirit of G-d (Ruach Elohim, the Divine Presence in active engagement) agitated (nurturing and preparing creation for rectification) the surface of the waters (symbolizing latent potential and unformed energy).”
3 “And G-d said, ‘Let there be light (the revelation of the Ohr HaGanuz, the transcendent Hidden Light, originating from Adam Kadmon as the first emanation of Divine wisdom),’ and there was light (the light, preexistent in concealed form, is now revealed through the Kav, the ray of Divine Light entering the chalal).”
4 “And G-d saw the light (the Ohr HaGanuz, originating from Adam Kadmon and containing the essence of Divine wisdom and clarity), that it was good (suitable as the foundation for all creation); and G-d separated (established distinction within) the light (representing revelation and Chesed) and the darkness (representing concealment and Gevurah).”
5 “And G-d called the light ‘day’ (symbolizing revelation, clarity, and the higher realms beginning with Adam Kadmon), and the darkness He called ‘night’ (representing concealment, potential, and the unrefined energy awaiting rectification). And there was evening (erev, a state of obscurity and blending) and there was morning (boker, the dawn of clarity and revelation), one day (yom echad, reflecting the unity of all existence within the framework of Adam Kadmon and the Infinite).”