The Sitra Achra

The Relationship Between Tisha B’Av and the Subordination of Adam to the Sitra Achra

The phrase “Sitra Achra” (literally “the Other Side”) refers to the realm of evil, impurity, and spiritual darkness, as opposed to the realm of holiness. This term originates in the Zohar. The Zohar, attributed to the 2nd-century sage Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai but compiled and disseminated in the 13th century by the Spanish-Jewish mystic Moses de León, introduces the concept of the “Sitra Achra” to explain the existence of evil and the forces that oppose Divine Will for humanity.

The “Sitra Achra” represents the spiritual forces that oppose G-d’s will regarding G-d’s love for humanity, His Crowned creature. The Sitra Achra embodies all that is impure and corrupt. Therefore, this dualistic framework helps explain the presence of both good and evil in the world and the ongoing spiritual struggle between them.

In brief, my thoughts are related to the Jewish ideology, wherein the Light Bearer is opposed to the creation of Adam as a creature of free will. This free will allows Adam to fail, repent, and return to G-d. Thus, the Light Bearer greatly disdains humanity, desires their destruction, and desires that humanity has no connection with G-d.