The Logic of a Preemptive Sacrifice: Mystical Insights into G-d's Cosmic Plan In the grand scheme of creation, Jewish mystical thought offers profound insights into G-d's eternal wisdom and foresight,…
So'odic (Kabbalistic) Symbolic Translation of Revelation 2:18-21 " 18 And to the Prophetic Messenger of the Congregation in Thyatira write: These are the things that Son of G-d says, who…
The Eyes of Adam Kadmon: Emanation of the Points (Olam HaNekudim) The eyes of Adam Kadmon are the most significant in Kabbalistic symbology, as the lights that emanate from his…
The David Principle: Cry Out to G-d in Times of Need What I refer to as the "David principle" is derived from reading the Davidic Psalms. In the Psalms, David…
Decent before Light Decent into the Darkness before seeing the light is often a theme in several different Torah scenes. Often we must go through the Valley of constriction to…
And Hebrew teaches us that the essence of a face is the opposite of what we think of ordinarily.” We often discuss how the meanings of words like soul and…
Death and Yeridah L’tzorech Aliyah - Descent for the sake of Ascent Adam and Yeridah l’tzorech aliyah, and Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and…