In Kabbalistic thought, Adam Kadmon is not only the first emanation but also the highest and most primordial spiritual realm. It is the archetypal construct of Divine Ratson, (Divine Will)…
Mystical B’resheet 1:1-5 Amplified Mystical Translation by Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu ben Abraham 1“In the beginning, G-d created the heavens (the mystical spiritual realms, spanning from the concealed states of Hester…
In this spiritual interpretation of the trumpets, the Lion’s face of the Chayot and the blasts of the trumpets represent deep spiritual transformations and purifications rather than physical destruction. The…
The Eyes of Adam Kadmon: Emanation of the Points (Olam HaNekudim) The eyes of Adam Kadmon are the most significant in Kabbalistic symbology, as the lights that emanate from his…