The David Principle: Cry Out to G-d in Times of Need What I refer to as the "David principle" is derived from reading the Davidic Psalms. In the Psalms, David…
Decent before Light Decent into the Darkness before seeing the light is often a theme in several different Torah scenes. Often we must go through the Valley of constriction to…
And Hebrew teaches us that the essence of a face is the opposite of what we think of ordinarily.” We often discuss how the meanings of words like soul and…
Death and Yeridah L’tzorech Aliyah - Descent for the sake of Ascent Adam and Yeridah l’tzorech aliyah, and Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and…
Beloved of my soul, compassionate Father Draw your servant to Your will, May Your servant run like a deer, Bow before your glory, For Your friendship is sweeter to him…
The mourning and fasting of Tisha B'Ab (Ninth of Ab) are seen as a way to cleanse and afflict the soul (Neshamah) and empty oneself of the pain and sorrow…