Ruach and Shefa

The Ruach and Shefa in Scripture and Practice

Lesson Plan:
Objective: Shefa, a Hebrew term often translated as “bounty,” “flow,” or “abundance,” originates from the word hashpa’a, meaning “to give.” It beautifully captures the idea of an ongoing, generous flow, much like the sun’s rays. These rays, a form of the sun’s Shefa, deliver abundant light and nourishment to the earth.

In So’odic teachings, Shefa represents the divine flow of energy and divine revelation from G-d’s essence or through the divine emanations, which are channels through which the divine attributes of the Ruach HaKodesh are expressed. This concept encompasses G-d’s giving to creation and the mutual giving and connection among created beings. Shefa, therefore, highlights the interconnected flow of generosity that sustains and uplifts the world. Therefore, when we better understand Shefa’s power, we better understand the outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh promised by the Prophets.

In this discussion, I give an outline Roman’s chapter 8 that corresponds with the Neshamah. The outline should be…

Romans 8
1-8, Nefesh
9-11, Ruach
12-17 Neshamah
18-26, Chayah
28-39 Yechidah

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