Adam Kadmon – The Eyes

The Eyes of Adam Kadmon: Emanation of the Points (Olam HaNekudim)
The eyes of Adam Kadmon are the most significant in Kabbalistic symbology, as the lights that emanate from his eyes form the Olam HaNekudim, the “World of Points.” The eyes, in this context, symbolize Hokhmah (Wisdom), the first glimmer of insight or revelation. Just as vision enables perception, the lights from the eyes represent the initial spark of Divine awareness that brings potential reality into view. This reflects the ability to see beyond the boundaries of form and time, peering into the infinite potential of creation before it is differentiated.
On a deeper metaphoric level, the eyes signify Divine foresight, the omniscient gaze of G‑d that perceives all potential outcomes in creation. The “points of light” emerging from the eyes are akin to seeds of thought or nascent ideas—moments of potentiality that contain within them the possibility of worlds and realms yet to be formed. The eyes symbolize insight and enlightenment, the direct connection to Divine consciousness that serves as a channel through which reality begins to emerge.