Final Thursday Night Live

Shalom [simple_tooltip content='”associate”; “colleague”; “fellow”; “companion”; “friend”‘]Chaberim”[/simple_tooltip]

As you will hear in this evenings class we are moving lasses to Tuesday Nights. This will help us facilitate other works in process.

However, this evening’s class will be very interesting. We will be speaking of Shabbat Shkelim from Nazarean Codicil’s perspective. We will look at Yeshua’s actions in overthrowing the ables of money changers. What was the intent f the Master in this vent.

We will also look at the dialogue between The Master Yeshua and Hakham Tsefet concerning Shabbat Shkelim and the miracle of the fish with a shekel in its mouth. What was Yeshua trying to teach Hakham Tsefet and us a followers of the Master?

Class should be interesting with answers to several questions.

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